Michael J. Clemens new book, Why Aren’t Christians More Like Jesus, has been reviewed by Jason Darden for the Christian Chronicle.
An excerpt:
This book can be used as an effective tool for church leaders who wish to refocus their congregation’s missional direction. Frustrated congregants who are burned out by “Churchianity” will find solace in Clemens’ work knowing they are not alone.
“Why Aren’t Christians More Like Jesus?” is an excellent read from an author who longs to see the church return to its missional identity.

Why Aren’t Christians More Like Jesus
It is not enough to just know about Jesus. To be his follower, his disciple, you must get to know and be known by Jesus. Why? Discipleship involves spiritual growth—an ongoing process with the goal of life-long transformation. Jesus said, “follow me,” but instead, today, many religious leaders say, “come to church.” What do the words and actions of some churchgoers bring to the minds of average, unchurched people? What do people tell pollsters about America’s Christians, how would they label them? For some, it has not been “Christlike.” Why aren’t Christians more like Jesus? Church history suggests how it happened, the Bible answers why, and the basic teachings of Jesus provide the solution.