If you are an indie author, you know that your books and eBooks must be formatted properly before being submitted to the publishing platform. Traditional, on-demand, and eBook publishing services usually have exacting standards. You want your book to appear professional by adhering to those standards.
Most of us don’t want to spend the time and tedium working through our manuscript line-by-line and page-by-page looking at styles, page breaks, titles, headings, body, special text boxes, headers, footers, and so on. We’d rather be writing.
So let us do it for you.
Our technical expertise is legendary (at least among our clients and in our own minds). We have spent long hours examining software manuals, talking to the developers, and reading about others’ experience. If you do not want to deal with it, we can do it for you. And you can get back to writing.
We are experts with Word, Pages, iBook Author, Kindle Textbook Creator, and iTunes Producer. We know the ins-and-outs of CreateSpace, Kindle, Lulu, Apple’s iBooks store, Ingram, Lulu, Kobo, and more. Our prices are reasonable, our work is professional. There is a discount for both paperback and ebook versions of the same work. We even have graphic designers than can design of cover for you.
Call or email us for more information, or visit our Formatting Services page for more.