A hearty congratulations to our six winners of the second annual Riversong Short Story Contest, 2022!
- “Forest” by Chas Alpert
- “Showpiece” by Mika Dobrovski
- “Jungle” by Adam Freoman
- “Daedalus” by Suzanne Gunter
- “Karma and Santayana” by Susanne Perry
Thank you to the 53 other writers who submitted manuscripts—our judges had a difficult time deciding on just six. (Feel free to resubmit for the 2024 Contest—see below)
Thank you also to our judges:
- Sheri Addison, freelance editor
- Anthony Holmes, Director of Publishing, Sulis International Press
- Mira Innes, literature blogger
- Mark McFaddyn, editor, Sulis International Press
- John Sparks, editor and reviewer, Historical Fiction Review
- Neela Tudurí-Kłepfisch, senior editor, Sulis International Press and editor of the Riversong Short Story Contest
These six stories will be published in a volume later this year, and will be available on Amazon, Kindle, Apple Books, and retailers worldwide.
Neela Tudurí-Kłepfisch, editor. Riversong Short Story Contest Winners 2023. Riversong Books, 2023.
About the Contest
The Riversong Short Story Contest seeks to highlight unique voices in the short story genre, as well as a place for new and up-and-coming writers to showcase their talent in publication.
The contest runs year around, with the collection of winners published in July or August of each year:
- Deadline: May 15
- Word limit: 7,000 words
- Genre and style: Any except erotica
- Entry fee: $25
- Winners notified June 15
Submission process
- Format: Word or Pages document
- Edited and clean manuscript. Manuscripts with type of graphic errors or formatting problems will be returned.
- Keep any formatting, fonts, and sizing to a minimum unless crucial to the story.
- We recommend Times new Roman 12 or equivalent font. Single space, paragraph indent (no line returns between paragraphs.
- Under the title, place your name.
- Story must be your own work. Multiple authors for a single work are acceptable.
- The work can be part of a larger work (e.g., a novel chapter). If your submission wins, the other publication must include attribution and link to the Contest and Sulis International Press.
Review process
- Your manuscript will be reviewed by a panel of editors, bloggers, writers, and publishers. It is a blind review, based solely on content and writing style.
- Uniqueness of story, voice, plot , and literary skill will make your story stand out.
- All winners will be contacted privately, and their story will be published in a volume of short stories in the third quarter of each year
Submit a story to next year’s contest >
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