How I Use Scrivener to Write Blogs (that become books)

How I Use Scrivener to Write Blogs (that become books)

Scrivener is an excellent program for writing books. Its ability to get out of the way and let you write, organize and outline before, after, or during your first draft, are second to none. For fiction writing, it allows a writer to keep notes, character studies, settings notes, and so forth for easy access. For a…

How to Write a Book Review (Part 3)

How to Write a Book Review (Part 3)

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]After having prepared to read the book, scanned it, read it, taken notes on it, and written brief summaries, it is time to actually write our book review. If you have followed the procedure in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, then you should have the following…

NaNoWriMo Preparations: Part 2 (Outliner or Pantser?)

NaNoWriMo Preparations: Part 2 (Outliner or Pantser?)

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month In two days I will begin writing for National Novel Writing Month. Joining hundreds of thousands of other writers, I will produce about 1700+ words a day for 30 days. NaNoWriMo writers often describe themselves as either ‘Outliners’ or ‘Pantsers,’ that is, they write by outlining first or…