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$9.99 – $13.99
After 20 years of teaching and preaching with the churches of Christ in West Virginia, Andrew Burns left the tradition and found a new home in the Orthodox Church. In these pages, you will read about the issues with which he struggled, the solutions he found, and the reasoning he went through that eventually led him away from the churches of Christ.
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$9.99 – $14.99
This book, originally published in 1883, is a collection of thoughts and a prayer for each day of the year.
Written by the vicar of Grewelthorpe at St. James’s Church, it captures the sincere faith of that older age.
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Arise is a motivational book designed to help readers overcome personal and psychological challenges through faith-based guidance. It emphasizes the importance of resilience, determination, and spiritual growth, offering practical steps and biblical examples for personal development. The book encourages readers to build supportive relationships, forgive past hurts, and live impactful lives. By integrating spiritual teachings with actionable advice, it aims to empower individuals to rise above adversity and fulfill their potential.
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$9.99 – $12.99
In this book, veteran Pepperdine University professor of theology Ron Highfield makes the case for the truth of Christianity and defends it from attack. But so do many other books. Why do we need another? Because there are also plenty of books that deny Christianity’s truth, attack it in new ways and from almost every conceivable angle! Hence the work of Christian evidences and apologetics is never done. Christian truth does not change, but contemporary culture and thought change almost daily. To communicate effectively with our contemporaries we must listen to them, come to understand their most basic beliefs and values and learn how to explain Christian faith to them in ways they can understand. This task is not easy to accomplish, and there is no shortage of failed attempts. Indeed, the Christian cause suffers almost as much from its friends as it does from its enemies. Many efforts to support and defend Christianity have done as much damage as good and created as much doubt as confidence in the Christian faith. Some arguments for Christianity overstate their case and understate the force of objections. Others try to prove too many things. Good thinkers from the time of Socrates until today know that making bad arguments in favor of a good cause is worse than silence. This book is full of good arguments.
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$9.99 – $14.99
Dialogues on Revelation with John the Apostle presents an imagined dialogue between the author and John the apostle, who just received a revelation from the Lord Jesus. Author Yann Opsitch addresses how the book of Revelation can help us view things from the perspective of eternity and of heaven.
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Enriching Your Prayers is a key companion to McDowell’s expansive project, Praying Through the Bible. With the goal of studying every prayer in the Bible, this series explores Biblical prayer in their original contexts and then draws meaning from them for the purpose of expanding and enriching our own prayer practice. This book delves into each of the nine prayer types found in the Bible, studying their structure, content, and purpose, with examples of each.

$9.99 – $16.99
Those of us who pray often feel that our prayers could be better. We might wish we prayed more frequently, or that the words of our prayers were better (whatever that means to us). Maybe we wonder if we are praying correctly. (We should remember that, since God is our Father, He is pleased if we talk to Him at all—even if it is infrequently or shallow.) Most of us never had anyone teach us how to pray. We mimicked what we heard from others. So we find ourselves saying the same things in the same way. We yearn for a way to enrich our prayers and add variety and depth.
This book can help. Scripture contains hundreds of passages about prayer, with much richness and variety. Studying them is an excellent way to enrich our own prayers. This volume contains a chapter for each of the 40+ prayers in Genesis through Joshua. Each chapter includes the text of the prayer passage, followed by a study of its background, an exploration of its meaning, and an application of what we learn. The introduction includes an exploration of studying the Bible and an overview of every type of prayer: praise, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, vow, confession, repentance, lament, blessing, and curse.
Well-suited for personal or group study.
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Ron Highfield explores these and other questions in Four Views on Women and Church Leadership. In this book, Highfield stages a discussion in which three fictitious characters explain and defend their viewpoints and critique opposing views. The three views are Secular Feminism, Evangelical Egalitarianism, and New Complementarianism. In a fourth view, Highfield charges that the entire debate is based on a defective view of the church. He challenges the gratuitous assumptions that make the discussion necessary and meaningful: the church is a public institution, the ministry is a profession like other professions, and believers assemble to experience a performance.
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$9.99 – $14.99
James is called “the Proverbs of the New Testament” because of its witty expressions and creative analogies for living a life modeled on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Book of James is powerful. Its famous lines are often memorized. This book will take you deep into the Book of James so that you can live a life that is more fully devoted to following Jesus Christ as Lord.
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This daily Bible study breaks down passages from Colossians into manageable, bite-sized portions, providing daily reminders of how to navigate the complexities of being human in an inhuman world. Engage with thoughtful discussion questions included in the guide, suitable for both individual reflection and group study. Let the wisdom of Colossians guide you through the journey of rediscovering and reclaiming your humanity in the face of a challenging and dehumanizing world.
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$9.99 – $16.99
I Am He Who Sees: Justice Defined by the Hand of God proposes that justice is defined by who God is and what God does and why God does what He does. It includes the proposition that God is involved in the affairs of mankind, and it occurs through the interaction of her three daughters – law, mercy, and grace. The approach of this book is that the Bible is true and can be used as an exclusive authoritative source for determining the definition, purpose, and operation of justice and law.
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$19.99 – $24.99
Join Yann Opsitch on a daily devotional from the Psalms or the Sermon on the Mount. Each reading focuses on a them: “Trusting God”, “Babies and children”, “Heaven”, “Being Salt and Light”, “The Narrow Way”, and more. Thanksgiving is a contest focus for each day.
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Peter is associated with some of the most memorable scenes in the gospels, but not all of these texts are favorable towards him. They show us that Jesus used a flawed person to spread His message in the earliest day of His ministry. This book uncovers the profound meaning of the great Petrine epistles, and applies it to our daily lives. Readers will be encouraged, yet will also come to understand much more about what the great apostle Peter is trying to teach us.
Available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook.
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$13.99 – $26.99
Life hurts, and in times of failure, do you wonder if God hears? Does he see? Does he care? The Bible says have faith and it also says hope deferred makes the heart sick. How do you have faith when your heart is sick? Lord, Help My Unbelief reviews famous stories in the Bible with a focus on the human pain within these stories. and how God sees our pain and doubts and fears and works with them and in them to prove his love for us and to make life better.
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Most of us never had anyone teach us how to pray. We mimicked what we heard from others. Sometimes this leads us to a repetitive and even shallow prayer life.
Yet the Bible contains hundreds of passages about prayer, with a lot of richness and variety. This third volume of the Praying through the Bible helps us enrich our own prayers by studying those found in the Bible.
Each chapter contains the text of prayer passage, followed by a study of its background, an exploration of its meaning, and an application of what we learn.