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After an unexplainable incident at the Carnival of Games, Sara is forced to flee to the neighbouring region of Merrywater with her mother and seek shelter with an uncle and cousin she has never met before. Here, Sara learns of a secret kept hidden from her all her life: her family are one of the few who can use Magic. Yet there is a price for using it, and attacks from an unknown enemy show that someone is misusing it. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://books2read.com/Nash-autumn” ]
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$9.99 – $11.99
Today, the technology allows anyone to publish a professional-looking book. With a personal computer and online services such as Amazon or Apple’s iBooks Store, you can publish your book in print or as an electronic version—without any cost to the author except time.
This book teaches you how to format your print version just like traditionally published books. It describes the process of designing a cover, preparing the files, and uploading to Amazon, Kindle, and the iBooks Store. Everything you need to publish a professional-looking book is inside.
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$16.99 – $18.99
This book examines the prayer texts in the collection of ancient documents known as the Apostolic Fathers, written during the early second century. The book begins with an overview of the Apostolic Fathers and of the prayers found therein. Appendices include every prayer passage in the nine documents. The core of the book explores the function of prayer in the letters of the collection (1 Clement, The Letter of Ignatius, Polycarp to the Philippians, and the Martyrdom of Polycarp). Each letter includes an introduction (authorship, date, form, genre, sources, purpose, and theme), followed by a brief commentary on every prayer passage. The prayers are categorized by type: benedictions, doxologies, exhortations to prayer, petitions, prayer-reports, wish prayers, and references to the practice of prayer. The book closes with a brief summary of the function of epistolary prayer in the Apostolic Fathers.
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This volume contains the 25 prayers located in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. There are also introductions and summaries of the prayers for each book, offering an overview and context to better understand the prayers within the story of the book. An appendix is included, listing all the prayers under each of nine categories: Praise, Thanksgiving, Petitions, Intercessions, Prayers of Confession and Repentance, Laments, Prayer-Vows, Blessings, and Curses. Each short study is also perfect for a brief analysis, a personal devotional study, or a group or class study.

In celebration of the 200th anniversary of Missouri (2021) entry into statehood, this book describes the lives and important contributions of thirty-four famous Missourians. Written by a famous Missourian, Dr. Thomas H. Olbricht, the book combines biographical information with a fresh approach of the author’s own reflections, memories, and connections with the subjects. Whether you are a Missourian or not, you will come to appreciate Missouri’s surprising influence on the State, the country, and the world.
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VisuaLaw Study Guide Vol 6: Property Law is designed to aid you in study and preparation for exams. The book contains three sections: Outlines, Diagrams, and Crib Sheets. Outlines are detailed outlines of the course material, arranged by topic. Diagrams are perfect companions to the Outlines, containing flow charts, diagrams, and other visual aids for each topic. Crib Sheets are condensed outlines, perfect for getting the ‘big picture,’ for revising, and for testing yourself on the details. All three sections include statutes, cases, and key terms, arranged and color-coded to maximize your studying, memorizing, and revising/reviewing.
Available as a paperback or a downloadable PDF.
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$9.99 – $14.99
As a missionary to West Africa, Grace Farrar recounts the joys and frustrations of family life in the field and tells about the struggles involved in establishing the Nigerian Christian Hospital. She chronicles their work from 1964, when she and her husband, Dr. Henry Farrar, Jr., arrived in southeastern Nigeria with their five children, through the 1967 beginning of the Biafran War. Brimming with stories of faith, hope, and the daily puzzles and pleasures of living in another culture, Grace shares her letters and narratives.
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$9.99 – $16.99
For three years, the Thomas H. Olbricht Christian Scholars’ Conference undertook to ask fifteen well-respected senior leaders in the Churches of Christ to tell their own stories of their history into positions of leadership and influence. Each was also asked to articulate his or her vision for the future of Churches of Christ. All authors are beyond age seventy, all have terminal degrees in their field, and all have stayed within the fellowship of Churches of Christ. They include Fred D. Gray, Carolyn Hunter, Lynn Anderson, John T. Willis, and eleven others.
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In 1880 there were more members of the Restoration Movement churches in Illinois than in any state in the United States or in any country in the world. The authors, in a series of essays, elaborate upon the various religious tributaries involved from the beginning and have depicted churches, leaders, members, educational institutions, books, journals, and organizations in their various and wide-ranging manifestations.
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