Legal Issues Journal 7(1)


  • What makes abortion morally impermissible? A Dworkinian perspective on abortion rights and the intrinsic value of life. By Neeva Desai
  • The Issue of Mens Rea in the Crime of Genocide and Why It Needs to be Amended. By Chanthima Neth
  • Forcible Acts by States towards Non-State Actors Operating in Disputed Waters: Beyond the Limits of International Law? By Marianthi Pappa
  • Genetic Data Misuse: Risk to Fundamental Human Rights in Developed Economies. By Fatos Selita
  • CASE NOTE: Turkish Courts and the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. By Oya Dirim
  • BOOK REVIEW: Trends in Climate Change Legislation. Review by Ş. Bayram
  • BOOK REVIEW: The Foundations of the EU as a Polity. Review by Janet Furness

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Legal Issues Journal (LIJ) publishes original research on all legal matters affecting justice, equality and other pressing issues for societies. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary work at the intersection of law and other disciplines, such as genetics, biosciences, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, medicine, and business.

The Journal publishes original papers, case comments, short reports, debates and book reviews. The Journal also provides important news and interpretation on changes in the legal world and coming trends affecting law, lawyers, and society. Contribution to society, nationally and internationally, is the focus of LIJ.

LIJ uses double-blind peer review process where both the reviewer(s) and the author(s) are anonymous.


What makes abortion morally impermissible?
A Dworkinian perspective on
abortion rights and the intrinsic value of life
Neeva Desai

The Issue of Mens Rea in the Crime of Genocide and
Why It Needs to be Amended
Chanthima Neth

Forcible Acts by States towards Non-State Actors Operating in
Disputed Waters: Beyond the Limits of International Law? 29
Marianthi Pappa

Genetic Data Misuse: Risk to Fundamental Human Rights in
Developed Economies
Fatos Selita


Turkish Courts and the Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards
Oya Dirim

Trends in Climate Change Legislation
Review by Ş. Bayram

The Foundations of the EU as a Polity
Review by Janet Furness

Additional information

Weight 9 oz
Dimensions 6 × .3 × 9 in

Paperback, ePub, mobi