How I Use Scrivener to Write Books (part 2: writing)

How I Use Scrivener to Write Books (part 2: writing)

To read the previous post on preparation (research and outlining), click here. This is the second post describing my current use of Scrivener, an application for writers from Literature & Latte.  Last time, I discussed how I set up and use the app for developing a book project, gathering information, and outlining. This post shows…

How I Use Scrivener to Write Books and Blogs (Part 1)

How I Use Scrivener to Write Books and Blogs (Part 1)

This is the first in a series of posts that will detail how I use the Scrivener application (by Literature and Latte), to develop, research, write, revise, edit, finalize, and export my books, novels, and blogs. This post addresses the development and research arrangement. I have been using Scrivener for the Mac since it was first appeared. To…

Books for Writers

Freelance writer Nicolette Morrison has written a blog post over on C.S. Lakin’s blog, Live Write Thrive, entitled “9 Books Aspiring Writers Must Read.” It is a good list of books for writers, and her short annotations on each book are well-done. (I was pleasantly surprised to see Orwell’s book included). I invite you to…

NaNoWriMo Preparations: Part 2 (Outliner or Pantser?)

NaNoWriMo Preparations: Part 2 (Outliner or Pantser?)

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month In two days I will begin writing for National Novel Writing Month. Joining hundreds of thousands of other writers, I will produce about 1700+ words a day for 30 days. NaNoWriMo writers often describe themselves as either ‘Outliners’ or ‘Pantsers,’ that is, they write by outlining first or…