Publishing Your Book: Formatting for eBook

Publishing Your Book: Formatting for eBook

Introduction In the last post, we discussed how to format your manuscript to prepare it for printing (whether it be for traditional publication or print-on-demand. Regardless of which path you take, it is often beneficial to prepare the manuscript for electronic publication as well. The content remains the same, of course, but the formatting is quite…

Rules and the Shape of Writing Short Stories (Kurt Vonnegut)

Rules and the Shape of Writing Short Stories (Kurt Vonnegut)

Whether you appreciate his style or content, it is hard to deny that Kurt Vonnegut was a master of language—intelligent, creative, and meaningful. Here is his list of eight rules for writing a short story, from his collection Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction. : Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that…

Sulis — A Newsletter for Writers and Readers (February 2015)

Sulis — A Newsletter for Writers and Readers (February 2015)

Our monthly Newsletter for February is now live! Tips on writing and editing from around the web. Short, original articles about writing, editing, and book promotion. A selection of recommended books for writers and editors. The most-read posts from our blog. Books notices: press releases and information about new indie books. Sulis exists to help…