Audiobook: It’s All About You! 10 Leadership Parables for Maximizing Middle Management by Charlie Retts
Enjoy the audiobook version of Charlie Retts’ bestseller for middle managers.
Enjoy the audiobook version of Charlie Retts’ bestseller for middle managers.
A review of Daragh Fleming’s If You Aerw Reading This Then Drink Water on Headstuff by Brian Sheridan.
Daragh Fleming. If You Are Reading This Then Drink Water (Audiobook). Riversong Books, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-946849-74-8. eISBN: 978-1-946849-75-5. 155pp. $8.99 pbk; $5.99 ebook. Order the audiobook from these retailers and other retailers worldwide: Audible (US) | Audible (UK) Audible (France) | Audible (Germany) Apple Books Or order the paperback or eBook Amazon | Barnes &…
Bryan Kesselman. The Madness of Captain Mills. Riversong Books, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-946849-89-2. eISBN: 978-1-946849-91-5. 361pp. $13.95 (pbk). $9.99 (eBook). Available in paperback and eBook at retailers worldwide Amazon | Barnes & Noble Kindle | Apple Books | Kobo | Nook Direct from Publisher Captain John Powell Mills voyages across the oceans entrusted with conducting emigrants…
Ron Highfield. Rethinking Church: A Guide for the Perplexed and Disillusioned. Keledei Publications, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-946849-90-8. eISBN: 978-1-946849-88-5. 107pp. $8.95 (pbk). $7.99 (eBook). Available in paperback and eBook at retailers worldwide Amazon | Barnes & Noble Kindle | Apple Books | Kobo | Nook Direct from Publisher In Rethinking Church, veteran church leader, theologian, and…
Middle management is the glue that holds organizations together, yet many middle managers encounter a lack of support from upper management and massive employee disengagement. This book is a practical solution. Based on Charlie Retts’ decades of experience in middle management, along with his doctorate in adult education, this book will help you in assessing your own current leadership style, and then guide you to become a more effective and engaged manager. Using stories, Retts helps the reader explore real-life situations to assess all the options that could have been available, as well as assessing what you might have done. Each chapter ends with reflection questions and “key points.” Along the way, brief “stop for a moment” reflections help to focus on the reasons and benefits of different approaches.
Martha Farrar Highfield. A Time to Heal: Missionary Nurses in Churches of Christ, Southeastern Nigeria (1953-1967). Sulis Academic Press, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-946849-82-3. eISBN: 978-1-946849-83-0. 367pp. $19.95 (pbk). $15.99 (eBook). The previously untold story of how a remarkable set of lay and professional nurses shaped Church of Christ (COC) missions in southeastern Nigeria. These women’s decisions…
Andrew Burns. A Great Awakening: How I left the church of Christ and found Christ in his Church. Keledei Publications, . ISBN: 978-1-946849-84-7. eISBN: 978-1-946849-85-4. 185pp. $10.95 (pbk). $7.99 (eBook). Available in paperback and eBook at retailers worldwide Amazon | Barnes & Noble Kindle | Apple Books Direct from Publisher This is a book about…
Legal Issues Journal (LIJ) publishes original research on all legal matters affecting justice, equality and other pressing issues for societies. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary work at the intersection of law and other disciplines, such as genetics, biosciences, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, medicine, and business.