Want to Succeed at Self-Publishing? Write in Your Own Voice: Tips from an Indie Author

At age 78 and as the oldest prosecutor in California, Timothy Oliver Stoen decided it was time to write his memoir to “give hope to people who have made huge mistakes in their lives—to give them hope that their lives are not over.” In 1970, Stoen, who graduated from Stanford Law School and worked as…

Becoming a Novelist: Five Principles to Success

Becoming a Novelist: Five Principles to Success

  From Writer’s Digest, a list of five principles to follow by Hester Young. Click below to read the full article with descriptions and advice. 1. Educate yourself. 2. Build your resumé. 3. Embrace self-improvement. 4. Master the art of the query letter.  5. Use connections wisely.   http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/becoming-a-novelist-five-principles-to-success

5 Valuable Insights for Self-Publishing Authors

5 Valuable Insights for Self-Publishing Authors

From one of our favorite websites, Live Write Thrive, C.S. Lakin provides some insights for self-publishing authors. Here are her top five: There is no secret formula to success. More important than anything: write a great book. Then write many more. Amazon really is the place. Marketing and promoting is hard work, and you have to be…

Authors: Finding Ideas

Every author, fiction or nonfiction, is looking for ideas. One fear of most authors is ‘running out of ideas.’ Successful authors will say that there are ideas everywhere, in everything…it’s just a matter of looking for them and  spotting them. Robert Bruce’s recent post on copyblogger, “The Art of Finding Ideas” addresses the issue of finding ideas….

Resources for Writers from Sulis

Resources for Writers from Sulis

Whether we are traditionally-published, self-published, or indie author, we all need help sometimes. It might be another set of eyes on our manuscript, formatting for indie publication, promotion, or publishing itself. If you publish with a traditional house, most of these things are taken care of in-house (though you might desire some outside beta readers). But…